M58=Nu se pot ║terge toate elementele cel pu■in unul trebuie prezent!!!
M59=&Seta■i la op■iune prestabilitπ
M60=Numπr total de fi║iere ║terse
M61=Copyright ⌐ 2003-2004, MicroWorld Technologies Inc.
M67=Scana■i toate fi║ierele
M68=Fi║iere Program
M26b=Fi║ier de ║ters la reεncπrcare
M26c=Fi║ier de redenumit la reεncπrcare
M501=Virus Database is older than 30-days! We recommend that you download the latest toolkit from http://www.mwti.net or buy a license for this tool by clicking on "Buy this tool" button.
M502=Virus Database is older than 30-days! Please download the eScan/MailScan Update Downloader for updating your virus database.
M71=Buy this &tool
M26d=Entries Removed
M75=View &Ports
M471=For complete protection of your PC from virus attacks in the future, we recommend that you buy our eScan AntiVirus or eScan Internet Security Suite with automatic daily updates. Choose an option below...
M79=Buy eScan &Corporate for Windows\n(1 year - 5 user edition)
M1=Fi║ier %s infectat de virusul "%s". Ac■iune ini■iatπ: %s.
M1a=Fi║ier %s etichetate ce %s. Nu s-a ini■iat nici o ac■iune.
M2=EROARE!! Nu s-a selectat nici o op■iune...
M3=Fi║ier infectat cu virusul "%s".
M4=Memorie infectata cu virus.Utilizatorul solicitπ scanarea tuturor unitπ■ilor locale
M5=*** Fi║ier infectat cu "%s". Ac■iune ini■iatπ: Fi║ier %s ***
M6=*** Fi║ierul "%s" etichetat ca "%s". Nu s-a ini■iat nici o ac■iune ***
M7=Anumite MWAV.EXE infectate de virus!!! ╬ncerca■i din nou...
M8=*** Fi║ierul %s cu restric■ie de mπrime ***
M9=Scanare Unitatea %s
M10=Vπ rugπm a║tepta■i aplica■ia existentπ...
M11=Baza de date viru║i Datπ: %s
M12=Baza de date viru║i Numπrπtoare: %u
M13=Generare lista viru║i ... %s
M14=bScanNotClean este FALS si bScanAndClean este FALS, deci lua■i valoarea op■iune prestabilitπ bScanNotClean
m15=Versiune %s
m16=Fi║ier jurnal: %s
m17=Command Line Options Given: %s
m18=eScan Install Directory: %s
m19=MailScan Install Directory: %s
m20=AV Library Loaded...
m21=Op■iuni Selectate de Utilizator:
m22=Control memorie: %s
m23=Control registri: %s
m24=Pornire control director: %s
m25=Control director de sistem: %s
m26=Control sistemul de suprafa■π: %s
m27=Control service: %s
m28=Control unitate: %s
m29=Controlul tuturor unitπ■ilor :%s
m30=Op■iunea control unitate dezactivatπ
m31=Tip scanare: %s
m32=Unitate selectatπ = %s
m33=Control director: %s
m34=Director selectat = %s
m37=Scanare ║i curπ■ire
m38=Numai scanare
m39=***** Scanare fi║iere memorie *****
m40=***** Scanare directoare de pornire *****
m41=***** Scanare director %s *****
m42=***** Scanare fi║iere service *****
m43=Scanare %s
m44=***** Scanare directoare de sistem 32 *****
m45=Scanare director %s
m46=***** Scanare unitate %s *****
m47=***** Scanare toate unitπ■ile *****
m48=***** Control pentru viru║i specifici ITW *****
m49=***** Scanare completa. *****
m50=Vπ rugπm a║tepta■i... Scanare fi║ier
m51=Scanare fi║ier %s
m52=Scanare fi║ier %s [**]
m53=*** Suprimarea procesului infectat %s...
m54=*** Suprimare reu║itπ.
m55=*** Proces εn curs de desfπ║urare!!! ╬ncercarea din nou de a suprima %s...
m56=*** Incapacitate de a suprima procesul :-( Virusul se aflπ εncπ εn memorie!
m57=Incapacitate de a mi║ca fi║ierul din %s εn %s! Eroare: %s. Fi║ierul a fost ║ters εn aparen■π din fundal.
m58=*** %s are procesul de rulare definit ca %s (care este infectat)!
m59=*** Valoarea de reg. %s\%s a fost ║tearsπ deoarece este infectatπ de un virus
m60=╬nlocuirea valorii regi║trilor
m61=*** Cheia Reg %s a fost ║tearsπ deoarece fi║ierul ImagePath a fost infectat de un virus
m62=Nume fi║ier invalid %s
m63=Scanare director: %s
m64=Suport: %s
m65=Web: %s
m66=%s Fi║ier deja scanat odata ... incapabil de a fi curπ■at.
m67=Gπsit %s !!!
m68=Deleting Registry Hive %s.
m69=Valoarea de reg.%s Resetare. Aceasta poate fi parte din vierme!!!
m70=***** Scanare Fi║iere Regi║tri *****
m71=***** Scanare fi║iere INI *****
m72=cπutare Rulare
m73=cπutare ╬ncarcare
m74=cπutare sistem.Intrare shell ini
m75=Fi║ierul %s este infectat. Vπ rugπm εncerca■i din nou.
m76=***** Scanare fi║iere de sistem importante *****
m77=Solicitare CancelScan...
m78=Imposibilitate de Cancel Scan reu║itπ!!!
m79=Scanare anulatπ
m80=Scanare anulatπ de utilizator
m81=EROARE!! Imposibilitate de a ║terge dosarul %s! Motiv: %s. Fi║ierul va fi ║ters la reεncπrcare.
m82=Fi║ierul %s posibil infectat cu virusul %s. Ac■iune ini■iatπ: ¬tergere.
m83=¬tergerea a %s e║uatπ!!! Imposibilitate de a transfera CodeRed. Motiv: %s
m84=Fi║ierul %s aflat εn legπturπ cu Opaserv gπsit ║i ║ters
m85=MSLICENF Line din AUTOEXEC.BAT εn legπturπ cu Opaserv gπsit si transferat
m86=BOOT.EXE Line din AUTOEXEC.BAT εn legπturπ cu Opaserv gπsit ║i transferat
m87=Fi║ierul %s εn legπturπ cu Opaserv gπsit ║i ║ters
m88=RUN Line din WIN.INI εn legπturπ cu Opaserv gπsit ║i transferat
m89=Indiciile "%s" gπsit ║i curπ■ !!!
m90=Control pentru virusul %s ...
m91=Scanare Completπ.
m92=Procesul %s Aflat εn rulare εn memorie...
m93=Ultima datπ a fi║ierelor εn MWAV: %s.
m94=Ultima datπ a fi║ierelor εn cheia KL: %s.
m95=Imposibilitate de adπugare la pornire !!!
m96=Imposibilitate de transfer de la pornire !!!
m97=%s nu a fost scanat. Posibil protec■ie prin parolπ...
m98=Scanarea la %s a depπ║it timpul!!!
m99=Opera■ia de scanare a of %s este anulatπ datoritπ stratului mai scπzut!!!
m100=Virus Detected !!! You will need to buy eScan in order to eliminate this virus from your System. Click on BUY ESCAN button to go to our web-store...
m101=Executing ESUPDATE.EXE (%s)...
m102=Last Scan Date and Time: %s
m103=Downloading AntiVirus Databases...
m104=Downloads Successful...
m105=Downloads Not Successful!
m106=Reload of AntiVirus Signatures successfully done.
m107=Reload of AntiVirus Signatures failed! Reason: %s
m108=Are you sure you want to clear the logs?
m92m=Module %s found running in Memory...
m100CD=Virus Detected !!! You will need to buy eScan in order to eliminate this virus from your System. Click on BUY ESCAN NOW button to go to our web-store...
M1b=Object "%s" found in File System! Action Taken: %s.
M1c=File %s tagged as "%s". Action Taken: %s.
M1d=Entry "%s" refers to invalid object "%s". Action Taken: %s.
m100x=Errors Detected !!! You will need to buy eScan or this tool in order to eliminate these errors from your System. Click on BUY THIS PRODUCT button to go to our web-store...
m100CDx=Errors Detected !!! You will need to buy eScan in order to eliminate these errors from your System. Click on BUY ESCAN NOW button to go to our web-store...
m109=***** Scanning Registry and File system for Adware/Spyware *****
m110=***** Scanning Registry for errors created because of Adware/Spyware *****
MainFormcaption=License Agreement
PanelHeading=License Agreement
PanelSubHeading=Please read the following important information before continuing.
LblHeading=Please read the following license agreement. You must accept the terms of the agreement before using this tool.